Hilding Ekelund (1893–1984): Arkkitehti, Arkitekt, Architect

Hilding Ekelund (1893–1984): Arkkitehti, Arkitekt, Architect on kattava monografia arkkitehdista, jonka mittava ura ulottui 1920-luvun klassismista 1970-luvun modernismiin. Teos julkaistiin laajan Ekelund-näyttelyn yhteydessä vuonna 1997.

Hilding Ekelund (1893–1984): Arkkitehti, Arkitekt, Architect is an extensive monograph of Hilding Ekelund’s life and career. It was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Museum of Finnish Architecture between 26 February and 11 May 1997.


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Hilding Ekelund (1893–1984): Arkkitehti, Arkitekt, Architect on kattava monografia arkkitehdista, jonka mittava ura ulottui 1920-luvun klassismista 1970-luvun modernismiin. Ekelund suunnitteli asuintaloja, asuinalueita, julkisia rakennuksia ja asemakaavoja ja toimi monien myöhempien arkkitehtisukupolvien esikuvallisena opettajana. Kirjassa on asiantuntija-artikkeleita Ekelundin tuotannosta ja siinä on myös sekä temaattisesti että kronologisesti järjestetty työluettelo.  Suomen rakennustaiteen museo (nyk Arkkitehtuurimuseo) julkaisi kirjan laajan Ekelund-näyttelyn yhteydessä vuonna 1997.

Kirjan tekstit ovat suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi ja siinä on runsas kuvitus.

Tällä hetkellä myynnissä oleva kappale on uudenveroisessa kunnossa.

Hilding Ekelund (1893–1984): Arkkitehti, Arkitekt, Architect is an extensive monograph of Hilding Ekelund’s life and career. It was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Museum of Finnish Architecture between 26 February and 11 May 1997. The richly illustrated book contains expert articles that discuss Ekelund’s seminal works such as the Helsinki Art Hall (1924–1928) and the Töölö Church (1927–1929) as well as classicism, functionalism and rationalism in his design principles. The book concludes with comprehensive list of works compiled both thematically and chronologically.

Architect, Professor Hilding Ekelund was a central figure in the early 20th-century Finnish architecture. His long and versatile career extended from classicism to modernism from the 1920s to the 1970s, and his works include housing design, public building and urban planning. As described by Vilhelm Helander, Professor Emeritus in Architecture History from Helsinki University of Technology, Ekelund was undoubtedly one of the most individual architects of his generation who personified a professional ideal of the architect who, in addition to his subjective artistic work, diversely participates in and influences the development of architectural culture and its demands. This book is a must-have for anyone truly interested in Nordic Classicism and the ideological roots of modern 20th-century Finnish architecture.

The text is in Finnish, Swedish and English. The book is richly illustrated with photographs, architectural drawings and other archive material.

The copy currently in our stock is in excellent condition, as good as new.

Weight 1750 g
Dimensions 30,2 × 23,7 × 2,5 cm

Eija Rauske, Kristiina Paatero, Timo Tuomi





B&W photographs, drawings




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Number of pages



Museum of Finnish Architecture

Publishing year