Courtyard House in China : Tradition and Present – Hofhaus in China : Tradition und Gegenwart (Birkhäuser Verlag, 1979) by Werner Blaser is a pictorial account of courtyard house architecture in Peking and Soochow areas in China.
This study will expound the basic principles of the courtyard house in China past and present, namely timber construction, the open plan, the nonbearing wall as a room enclosure as opposed to the masonry wall, and the extension of the dwelling into the garden, and raise the question of whether such principles might also be fitly applied in our world.
Dir Arbeit soll di Grundprinzipien des Hofhauses in China gestern und heute, also die Holzbautechnik, den freien Grundriss, die Wand im Gegensatz zur Mauer als nichtragenden Raumabschluss und die Erweiterung der Wohnung in den Garten, darstellen und die Frage aufwerfen, wieweit sie auch für uns Gültigkeit haben.
– Werner Blaser, Courtyard House in China : Tradition and Present – Hofhaus in China : Tradition und Gegenwart (Birkhäuser Verlag, 1979), p. 5
The book has both English and German text and it has been richly illustrated by Werner Blaser’s original black-and-white photographs. There are also some architectural drawings, maps and art reprints.
The copy in our stock is in good condition. The pages are clean, and the binding is fine. The covers are also fine: they show only some usual shelf wear.